A couple of points before we begin :
The name of the song is Love Flies. F-L-I-E-S. I've seen it (mis)typed as "Love Files" as if it were some kind of X-Files-ish program. And that's just silly. Love Flies, on the other hand, just makes perfect sense. Until you think about it. At which point it doesn't really make sense any more. How can an abstract concept like love do something physical, like fly? I don't know either.
(Note to self : Stop looking for logic in Laruku song titles. Past experience has amply demonstrated that there is none. Just stop.)

Point number the second is that, trippy as this video is at normal speed, one does not truly appreciate how MESSED UP it is until it has been clicked through at slow motion in a relentless hunt for screencaps. Take my word for it, this PV is fucked up.

Oh sure, it starts out looking almost normal. That's only deception, bait if you will, to make you start watching and get hooked into the mind-bending weirdness contained within. Lullng you into a false sense of security. It's that light at the end of the shiny-floored tunnel. Shiny... Bright... Blueish... Resistance... Fading... Drawn... In...

See how shiny the walls are? See how pretty Hyde is? You can't stop watching now, can you? You're DOOMED, dear reader. D-O-O-M-E-D!!!!

Shiny floor. Shiny black leather. Can you tell which set of feet is whose? Even the most casual of observers should at least be able to pick out Tetsu's feet. They're the pair with the extra layer of floor holding them up.

Again, shiny walls. That room wouldn't be a bad place to be stuck in for eternity. Constant supply of "Oooh, Shiny!"
That aside, Ken's holding true to form, what with the lung-cancer-in-a-stick look.

Back to shiny, Tetsu's got the my-head-is-reflective-enough-to-be-seen-from-space look. And he seems as mesmerized by the shiny as I am. I mean, c'mon, it's SHINY!

You swing that hair around, Hyde! Shampoo-model-riffic. Compared to background though, Hyde's hair is not all that shiny. Too bad.

Hrm... this is actually a pretty good look for Yukihiro. I bet the shades are for making it possible to focus on the extra-shiny drums.

See?! Didn't I say this video was baiting us all with shiny? See?! THE SHINY IS EATING TETSU'S HAND!!! It's purple and deformed from Shiny digestive processes. RUN!

I bet that's the physical manifestation of Shiny's consciousness. She's shiny.. and blue.. and most likely evil. *shudder* I feel so betrayed.

Look out, Hyde! Don't trust the Shiny! It's out to kill you! However, it is casting some lovely shading on that yummy face... Even evil Shiny is a good thing.

This is the sort of mind-bending shit I was babbling about at the beginning. The preceding non-sequitor barely registers at normal speed, but now, thanks to my screencapping, everyone can see the sort of subliminal messages hidden inside the video. The message is something like : Look! Flower! Closer Flower! A snake! A snake! Ohh, it's a snaaaaake.

Oh yeah, random tongue from an unidentified mouth. Just to round out the weirdness, you know.
Back in the shiny room, the boys play on as if nothing was happenning.
"Who, us? Put freaky subliminal messages in our videos? NEVER!"
Sure, guys, sure...

Now the Shiny is eating his face!! And about half his body, from the look of things. Let this be a lesson about not walking face-first into hungry walls of Shiny. Although.. Shiny is so difficult to ignore, maybe it's a risk worth taking. >.>

AAAH!! Freakiest face ever!!! Lizard eye. Melting face. Fnord.

Warning : Overuse of hair bleach may cause head to undergo spontaneous separation into two distinct entities, much like unicellular reproduction.


Weird chick: "I vant to suck your blood, pretty boy."

*Bzzzt* VampireSoft is experiencing technical difficulties. Please hold the line for service. Your call is important to us.

Weird chick: "Now where was I? Ah yes.. *ahem* I vant to suck your blood..."

What's this flower doing on the ground? Is it waving at me? *waves back* Trippy.....

Flower Power! Or something. Better to smell flowers than cigarettes.

Shoes : Not just for walking anymore. They also make convenient flower grinders.

The polka-dot floor, the polka-dot floor, can't remember the rest of this line.. lala lala la and so much more! Do dodo do do do.. the polka dot floor!

So.. They've been transported into the vampire's ball, which takes place in the Shiny's digestive tract. Ok, I can deal with that.
*grip on reality fading*

Ken's being strangled with his own necklace by someone with frighteningly skinny arms.
*grip on reality bordering on gone*

*grip on reality all gone*
Shiny, Happy People!!! Spinny spinny spinny! Shiny and flashy and colours!

Shiny, Happy Hyde!! Singy singy singy!

Not shiny? Not happy?

yeS tHIs pv makES MucH M0re senSe aFTer looSiNg mY overRatEd MINd.


Gross!!! ICK BLECK YUCK PTOOEY!!! *Cringes back to reality*
That was nasty... very truly really horribly nasty. Ew.

*still cringing*
Well, at least he doesn't seem to be in pain...

It just doesn't make any sense. No sense. No it just doesn't make any sense. I can't even tell what some of these images are. I'm not even sure I really want to know.

Fellow victims of the shiny, let us mill around this weird room together in perplexity.

Oooooh.. Hyde's popping out of my screen! This is good! This is better than good! This is... Oh. Damn. He's not -really- coming out of my screen. And I was getting all excited too.

Feast your eyes upon the fast ShinyScape. More Shiny than anyone could conceivably want or need. And it looks like they're doomed to wander the Shiny for eternity.

The End. Anyone still sane should proceed to watch Stay Away and get that corrected.


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